2024 Longest Day Complete!

Less than a week with our 4th Member announced!
We have moved our longest day to the 16th of December due to Gary booking the wong date off work, we have kindly had the Chop Shop Scone butchers donate 3x $30 meat tray for us to raffle off each Friday night. We have also now our vice captain of the club in Charlie Wintle joining us for the challenge.The first raffle was ran and we had $145.95 in donations, we have also had the three golf courses at Pokolbin come on board for a golf raffle, with

Scone Golf Club Members Take On The Ultimate Challenge

We will be running raffles and fundraiser events from now up until the date, if you'd like to join us on the day for 18,36,54 or even the 72 holes please let us know by getting in contact with us.
We're taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...
...the ultimate golf challenge to complete four rounds of golf in one day!
We'll be testing our skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for world-class cancer research that saves lives.
Please sponsor our team today as we tee off to make a difference! By working together, we can all play a part in reducing the impact of cancer for all Australians.
With your support, it's all of us against cancer.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Jake Duffin

Gaz Mac Charlie Arnie
20/12/24 meat raffle and golf voucher raffle

Gaz, Mac, Charlie and Arnie
Silent auction raffle 30/12/24

Mac Gaz Charlie and Arnie
Friday night raffle week 2

Scone Ladies golfers
Good luck Charlie, Mac and Gaz.

Charlie, Mac, Gaz, Arnie
Golf raffle money 14/12/24

Powerhouse Thoroughbreds


Stephen Butler
Keep up good work

Scott Singleton Racing

Jason Laws Golf academy
Ayaan very proud of you doing the day for a great cause

Justin Drake

Brenton McDonnell

Lucy Morrissey

McEwan Dawson
Meat raffle first night

Murrurundi Golf Club Donation From members

Charlie Gaz Mac
Gaz Mac and Charlie raffle 21/12/24

LG Forge & Equine Pty Ltd
Good on you Gaz!


Mick Reynolds
Great cause Good job lads

Gaz Charlie Mac Arnie
Raffle money 19/12/24


Romez Moukachar
All the best mate… great cause!

Bradley Baker
Good luck on the day for this great cause, hopefully the weather is friendly for you guys.

Kerry McLennan
Good luck

Max and Lauren Wallington

Stacey & Ejaz Hussain
Arni... Words can't express how i don't know extremely proud we are .love you so much!! we are very proud parents

Charlie Wintle

John Cranwell
Good luck mate.

Brian Field
Well done Arnie!! Pop and Nan are very proud of you!

Jamieson Reading

Leah Jamieson

Philip McGuirk

Katie wilcox
Good luck!

Will grant
Gary forced me to donate

Colin grant
I was black mailed

Tommy Harty

Debbie Hayes-White
Great work little legend

Chris and Di Hoskins
Well done Charlie

McEwan Dawson

McEwan Dawson

Shane BELL
Great cause dawso

Tom Fallaw
Get after it Mac

gary Ritchie


Mark & Carole Philp

Rachel Ritchie
Awesome stuff!!

Lyn Wintle


Lisa & Brady Smith

Shane Eastwood
Well done guys.


Charlotte Boss
Well done a great achievement for a great cause.

Joan Faras

Ben MacNellie
Well done mate. Good cause 👌

Sherrie Fuller
Good on you Charlie ,

Charlie Lambi
Great cause mate as we all know

Benny Thomas
Proud of you mate

Fiona & Jason Riley

Lee A
All the best Ayaan, a cause very close to my heart.

John Ahern


Great work, Dawso. Lost my wife to cancer a few years ago. Appreciate your efforts.

Daniel Storey
Great Effort! Enjoyed the updates today.

Mac Dawson
Look forward to completing the day with you mate

Mac Dawson
Look forward to doing the day with you mate

Adam Baus


June and Terry
Have a great day Ayaan

Metin Edis

Ross Wishart

Mac Dawson

Well done Charlie ⛳️👏 great cause 🤩

Ejaz Hussain
Well done Arnie

Darryl Butler
AWESOME goal, AWESOME team, AWESOME community support

Chris Lambert
Enjoy Charlie. I’m sure Wank will be looking down and hopefully kicking a few back to the fairway!!

Troy Pascoe

Rhonda Brown

Mitch Eveleigh


Good luck Charlie

Well done Charles

Nikki Gorst
Good job Ayaan.

Finbarr McSweeney

Julie Leckie

Leon Maskell

Congratulations mate great effort

Patricia Taylor
Great work

Red Reichel
Well done



Brett Ryan
Good work mate

McEwan Dawson
