We're taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...
...the ultimate golf challenge to complete four rounds of golf in one day!
We'll be testing our skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for world-class cancer research that saves lives.
Please sponsor our team today as we tee off to make a difference! By working together, we can all play a part in reducing the impact of cancer for all Australians.
With your support, it's all of us against cancer.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Andrew and Jeanette MacDonald

Marcus Mcmillan
Glad to support an excellent cause! Go Hamish!


The Fox Gang
Great job Hamish.

Cam Parke


Winchelsea Golf Club Community!

MyITpro.com.au P/L

The Jollys

Bill Spencer
Good luck to all. Wonderful achievement in the making.

Greg Batson

Sally Black


Kerri & Steve
Go Rach, For a great cause. Hope the weather is on your side! Steve & Kerri x

Tony De Beer Electrical

John Ward
Big day Early start late finish No cart Good luck mate!

Pam Westendorf
Go Rach, you are amazing!!

The sparkies wouldn’t do this

James Gadsden
Good luck with it Stephen

Tommy Midolo
Well done mate

Angus Heathcote Electrical
Atta boy

Great work macdon 👌

Jo Parke
Huge day, good luck.

72 well played

Lyn Maguire
Take up the challenge old boy!!

Lyn Batson
Great effort guys!!

Kate & Ted
Sleep well tonight Cam

William Macdonald

Lesley Mathison

Olivia Black

Brad Arklay

Justin Prewett
Go champ

Georgia G
Good luck Rach x

Lachie Arnold

Yol James & Gordie!
Best of luck for a great cause.

Tom Christensen

Tracey Maconachie
Well done

Kieran Moran

Robyn Noble
Proud of you Hamish

Chris Beauchamp

Budgie and Co


Congratulations Hamish & team

Nathan Kreuger
Your a bloody legend!!

Colin McDougall

Jessie Boddington
Good luck Rach!! You’ll smash it

Gemma Cerasi

Kealy Parke
Go happy gilmore

Judith Davidson
Great effort Rach 🫶

Finlay Kirsopp-Cole

Well done Hamish!!!

malcolm tralaggan

Darren Reid
Great work Rachel - Good luck and have fun!

Good job champ

Jill Arnold

Megan Kirsopp-Cole
Big effort team 🥰

Megan Holmes
Great job Rach!!!

Eliza Collins

Matthew Beauchamp

Lynn Beauchamp

Daryl Boddington

Greg Rigby

Nathan Farquhar

tania locke

Richard Singer

The Mawson's

Max Bubb

Cheryl Mawson

Lyn Wellard
Go rach x

TEAM inc.

Felicity Marsan
Good luck Stephen

Jaclyn Knowles
Well done Rach!

Frances Quinn
Go Rach👏 good luck

Well done Rachael,

Yeah, Rach! Super effort. Love Ezzie

Rachel Boddington

Rob Fisk

Alison Lamb
Well done Hamish

Olivia G
Go Rach! x

Em Broderick
Go Rach!

Alannah & Oisín
Great effort for a worthy cause. Good luck!

Spencer Alexander
Onya Macdon love ya work!

James Russel
Dibs piss

Julia Br

Proud of you. Have a good day. Love Grandad xx

Janine Howes

Janine Howes

Christie + Jai
Go Rach!!!

Kaitlin, Chris and Bobbi
Go Rach! Love, Bobbi

Evie atherfold
Good luck 🤞

Love ya work matey

Fletcher Cole

Sharni Jones
So amazing Rachel! You will smash it!!! ⛳

Alice Vecoli

Jennifer Armato
Good luck Rachel!

Carla Hunt
Go Rach! Miss you

Maverick Parker
Goodluck Matty! A few birdies please.
The $20 extra is from Bill and Jo Robertson