

We're taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...

The Clublinks team are taking on the Longest Day challenge to complete as much golf as we can in one day!

We'll be testing our skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for world-class cancer research that saves lives. 

Please sponsor our team today as we tee off to make a difference!  By working together, we can all play a part in reducing the impact of cancer for all Australians.

With your support, it's all of us against cancer. 

Thank you to our Sponsors


Rebecca Pannell

You guys are tee-rific! You’re the best by par!


Haydn Shallvey

I’m expecting under 100


Campbell Grech


Jayde W




Phil Jurkovsky

Great work team 👏


Tiger Woods


Harry Moar


Alex Pupillo