We're taking on Cancer Council's The Longest Day...
...the ultimate golf challenge to complete four rounds of golf in one day!
We'll be testing our skill, strength, and stamina to raise funds for world-class cancer research that saves lives.
Please sponsor our team today as we tee off to make a difference! By working together, we can all play a part in reducing the impact of cancer for all Australians.
With your support, it's all of us against cancer.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Paul Taylor

Best of luck Dave

Kristian Pascoe
Enjoy the day Ange. Cheers, KP


Lisa Campbell

Suzanne Harvie
You are a champion Ange.

O'Flaherty and Co Transport Services

Blick Constructions
Hope you see them like beach balls

John Brown
Good luck ange and lisa - great cause

Craig Archer

Ange Sammartino

Dean Greasley
Miss you 😘

Sara Harvie
good luck Ange

Sin and Annie Sam
Well done Ange. Three years in a row. I've let you down. Hung my shoes after the 1st year! Get those pain killers ready post game. You'll need them. Love the Sams (Sin, Annie, Tori & Will)

Tony Gentile
Great cause mate well done

Andrew Nikolaidis
Well done Ange!

Jamie Duffield
Good luck Arch. This is a great cause.

Nice one Ange, hope it's an awesome day!

David Loggia

Well done babe xo

Todd Harper
Well done Ange, you are an inspiration

Hugh Westmoreland

Bec Godwin
Well done Ange. An inspiration!

Paul Considine
Good one

Colin Smurthwaite

Fabio Maya

Good luck Arch


David Kettle
Remember Ange, no practise strokes. Conserve your energy.

Clover Maitland

Great cause Craig, good luck!! Love The Mangoes x

Matthew Hall
Keep up the great work Ange

Wade Britnell
Great cause - well done Craig.

Tran Pham

Laura Presse

Louise Lansdowne

Morrison Inspection, Tank Engineering and Consulta
Nice work Arch!

Shane Jenkins
No practice swings and rush for fuck sake!!

Jen Atkinson
Go Ange!!!

Sarah Clement

Bob Foggiato
Good stuff Pio! Swing like the wind!

Melissa Cardamone

Wendy Winnall

Peta Bircanin
All the best

Sarah Clement
Lets hope those knees make it all the way around

Suzanne Zhou
Nice work Ange!

Justine Osborne

David Field

Zahra A

Louise Berns

Glenn Fish

Bernie Smead
Go for it Quinney

James Archer
Good on ya Dad for supporting such a great cause!

Sophie Chowne
Merry Christmas Adem x

Nick Anderson
Anti-chafe cream is a solid investment for golf day comfort (and sunscreen/aeroguard) Well done.

Rene Angelou

Frances Albers

Haydn Shore
Happy Golfing Ange! Best of luck and work up a sweat!

Lindsay Tucker

Will Forster
Remember to keep your head down and spread your legs a little

Eden Potter
Great effort, Ange... swing well!


Justine Osborne
Good luck Ange. I'm sure you'll ace it. May there be more birdies than bogeys! ;)

Prue Gildea
Go Ange! Awesome stuff.

Megan Morris
Best of luck for the day Ange and I hope the weather is on your side.

Jamie Pulcini

ella mooney
Go Dave wooooo

Tim Killian

Adrian Bray
Hit them balls hard* *the golf balls that is.

Brigid Lynch
Good on you, Ange!

Rob Spencer
Good on you Ange !!!

Melissa Turner

Ricky Logan

Gina Clanfield


Mariah Milla
Let’s get those 5:46am birdies! Go Ange!

Taylah Wynen
Good luck, have a fun day!

David Turner

Laura Edwards
Good luck Ange!


Allison Mastromanno
Great cause. Good on you Arch.

Dean Chambers
Hit ‘em Straight Arch..!! Well done mate

Julian De Napoli

Deanne Archer
Good luck Craig, love Mum. Hope you get a hole in one xx

Tracy Cooksey
Good luck, hope the weather is good to you 🏌️

Deanne Archer
Good luck Dave, hope you get a hole in one, love Mum x

Good luck

Susanna Nicosia

Jax Martinec
All the best for Monday Ange !!

Cate Dellow
Impressive achievement Ange!

Emily Brennan



Adrian Bray
Make sure you have clean balls.

Steve McGovern
👏🏼 👏🏼
Arch - good luck! Mate awesome you are doing this for such a great cause! Cheers! Paul